
Patrick Ogungbola

Happy New Month of March

We welcome you to this brand new beautiful month of March, 2020. It shall be for us a ‘dream-come-true’ month. May God grant the fulfillment of our heart’s desires.

This is the third month in the year 2020, and it seems that some are already getting tired. The excitement and drive that comes with the new year is already fading away. Well, this is normal, most especially when one considers the happenings around us. The talk of the town now is about Coronavirus (which is said to be very contagious, most especially COVID-19); this is the ‘wrongest’ time for anyone to have cough and catarrh, you’ll be a prime ‘suspect’ to have contracted coronavirus.  Apart from this, most depressing also, is the state of our economy; almost everyone is complaining as ends can no longer meet. Many people are out of employment, and those who have jobs are not certain about job security, neither are they fulfilled. These alone are enough to weaken one’s spirit. However, we must not be discouraged or depressed by anything; the interesting thing about most games (such as football) is that every moment in the game is very important. From the time the referee blows the first whistle till he blows the final, the players must continue to give their best throughout the game. A team that decides to relax or rest at any moment (such as when the weather is not conducive) will give the opponent the opportunity to score, and if this happens, the losing team may never recover from the loss till the end of the game. Let’s learn from this. We must not be discouraged; it is only those who can successfully sail through the depressed economy that will enjoy when the boom comes. Also, there will always be ‘bad news’ that will distract our attention. While going through the World Health Organization (WHO) website on disease outbreak in Nigeria from the year 2000 to date, I came across the following: Yellow fever, Cholera, Meningococcal, Acute fever and rash syndrome, Avian influenza, Acute hepatitis E, Monkeypox, Ebola virus, Lassa fever, and now Coronavirus. Just as we heard of the previous diseases and they passed away, even this one shall also pass away. We shall only be hearing about them; none shall come close to us by God’s grace (Amen).

A medical staff member takes the temperature of a man at the Wuhan Red Cross Hospital in China on Jan. 25. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images

Now to the subject of this month’s article titled, ‘Journey to Self Discovery’. This write up is not meant to be motivational, but a revelation of our ‘innate potentials’ as humans. The essence is to discover the immense potential embedded in each one of us by our creator irrespective of the situation or circumstances that surround us. It is sad and humiliating to see human being go through life without a sense of purpose; many people wander about aimlessly and settle for whatever is available just to survive. As a matter of fact, the instinct for survival, which should be basic, is the greatest around here. It is an abuse of human dignity to see people do despicable, inhuman and other illegitimate things all in the name of survival or ‘just to make it’. It’s high time we discovered ourselves, because we are more than this! Lack of self-discovery leads to self-delusion; we must discover the innate potentials in us.

Ronald Reagan quote

Human beings are the most special and unique creature of all God’s creation. The ability for creativity and innovation is at the very heart of man’s ingenuity. The Almighty God in His infinite wisdom created all the basic things that man needed for existence, and left the remaining part of the creation for us. Apart from nature and other natural things, every other thing in existence in our world today are man’s creation. As a matter of fact, whatever is not yet in existence has simply not been imagined; all things are possible in today’s world.

Science has it that humans are indeed very unique, we are the most advanced species intellectually, technologically, and emotionally. We have been successful in extending human lifespans, creating artificial intelligence, traveling to outer space, showing great acts of heroism, altruism and compassion. We have the unique power of forethought; the ability to imagine the future in many possible iterations and then to actually create the future we imagine. Forethought also allows humans generative and creative abilities unlike those of any other species (

As free human beings we can use

We are indeed powerful; we all have been endowed with special creative and innovative abilities. But with these kinds of endowment, ‘why is it that some people still live at the lowest ebb of creativity and civilization?’ In other words, why do some human beings still live below their potentials? Well, the answer is not far-fetched. Many factors contribute to this, some of which include education and exposure; background and orientation; belief, thought and ideology as well as environment. All men are equal, but the above factors make some superior or inferior to the others. Just as plants survive and thrive under a conducive environment, the best of man also comes out when the necessary factors (and conditions) are in place.  The interesting thing however, is that man has been equipped to create the kind of world he wants for himself, irrespective of the immediate environment he grew up or finds himself. He has the freedom of thought and of choice, and can only be limited by himself. As a man can never rise beyond the limit of his thought. You can imprison him (by way of confinement or incarceration), but it is impossible to imprison his thought, hence he has the power to think and accomplish whatever he wants, but whether he exercises this power is another question.

Discover yourself

A research report from Forbes stated that, ‘Humans have been the most successful species on the planet. Scientists credit our success to three traits: technology innovation, group collaboration, and communication. Humans not only have all three abilities, but we excel at all three’ (

Human mind is very powerful. Although, invisible, our mind acquires the ability to imagine, to reason, to choose among various motives, and to evaluate alternative plans to actions (Ted Chu, Human Purpose and Transhuman Potential (

All men are born same with creativity

The greatest discoveries in life is self-discovery (the process of learning more about yourself and who you are, as it relates to your potential and your capabilities), and this is summed up in the words of Napoleon Hill – ‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive (imagine) and believe (with faith), it can achieve (accomplish)’. This is powerful! We are who we think we are. If we think low, we end low (under); and if we think high, we end high (on top). We all have the choice to make. For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Indeed, we are more than we think we are.

The greatest discovery

Every invention of man is a reflection of his ingenuity; human intelligence birthed artificial intelligence, and hence artificial can never supersede human. As good as science and technology are, they can never take the place of human element in the scheme of things. This means that we are unique, we are special and we are irreplaceable. If you are ready to stand out from the crowd, then you first need to embrace what makes you unique. You need to accept who you are without needing to fit into a label of who you should be. Just know that you will stand out once you embrace everything that makes you different, but you will also need to be in complete control of your life and your happiness. Just discover and rediscover yourself, and embrace your uniqueness. You are indeed more important and valuable than you think you are.

Discovering who you are

We wish you the very best in the month of March 2020.

As usual, we want to once again remind you that we care so much about you, and that when it comes to your real estate investment and advisory, we are always here to give you the very best service you can never get elsewhere. This is our promise, and will always be.

Meanwhile, please find below the powerpoint presentations of our current properties for sale in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Thank you.

Affordable Properties For Sale in LAGOS, Nigeria

Affordable Properties For Sale in ABUJA, FCT, Nigeria

Affordable Properties For Sale in PORT HARCOURT, RIVERS STATE, NigeriaBluehedge Realtors article for March 2020Journey to Self Discovery