Surname: —Please choose an option—MrMrsMissDrProfChief
Other Names:
Email Address:
Telephone nos:
Nature of Business/ Occupation:
Position/ Designation/ Department:
Home/ Office Address:
Use of Property: —Please choose an option—ResidentialCommercialIndustrialAgricultural
Description of required property (no. of bedrooms, etc.):
Preferred Location(s):
Amount/ Budget (In Naira):
Additional information that will assist us in getting your desired property (please include special requirements/ attractions):
Are you paying outrightmortgage
If mortgage, through which bank:
Have you previously inspected some properties with other estate agents YesNo
If yes, kindly give details/ descriptions of the properties to avoid repeating inspections and to save time:
I agree to the 5% agency fee applicable upon successful conclusion of the transaction. Please note that this is a discounted fee from 10% pursuant to Scale 3.3.5 of the Scale of Professional Charges for Professional Estate Surveying and Valuation Services as approved by the Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria (ESVARBON) of which we are a corporate member.
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